Yitch automates waste-to-energy installation in Meath


The European Union prefers to burn waste, in order to generate energy, so Indaver called upon Yitch for the study, build and support of the automation for a new waste-to-energy installation.





Waste-to-energy incinerator, Meath, Ireland


Study, build and support of the automation for a new waste-to-energy installation ordered by Indaver.





Barely three months after the initial contact the project kicked off.

  • Phase 1
    Based on the P&ID diagrams of the subsystems from different suppliers, werd Yitch provided the functional descriptions according to Invader’s’ standards. That way Yitch became the link between all contractors.

  • Phase 2
    The engineers of Yitch convert the functional descriptions to programming code for AutomationX, as well as to binary code for the PLC and the graphical interface intended for the operators.

  • Phase 3
    Testing the hardware and offline simulation of the software. The final FATs resulted in a punch list with required adjustments. Changes are made until the re-FATs are perfect.

  • Phase 4
    In this phase the software is tested on the real system. Yitch provides full support during the cold commissioning (without incineration) and the hot commissioning (with incineration). At the same time they took care of the training for the operators. 

  • Phase 5
    Yitch provides small maintenance via remote connection. Support for larger maintenance is provided on-site, carried out by the staff of Yitch.



After a construction period of less than 3 years the incinerator in Meath was ready for use.





The European Union prefers to burn waste, in order to generate energy. The Irish have no tradition or experience in this field and invoked the help of Indaver to build a new installation. This specialist called upon Yitch for its experience. 


The waste-to-energy installation in Meath is a real success. Yitch was responsible for all of the automation challenges for the entire project and seamlessly integrated different technologies from world players such as Babcock & Wilcox, Vølund, LAB and MAN. 


All phases of the project were executed as described in our own Quality Standards, and all went as planned without delays and within budget.

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